
Showing posts from January, 2018

Album Advert explanation.

For this task, I explained why I choose what I have on my album advert. I stated what why I used the fonts and information. From this task, it helped me as I got to look at many different album covers to see what they included and what I could include and what I was missing out.

Images I didn't use and why

For this task I used piktochart. This task I explained what images I didn't use and why and shared the feedback that I got about the pictures and why my target audience didn't think I should use them. This helped me a lot as if my target audience were not attracted to my pictures then who would be, this gave me a chance to retake pictures and make them better and more eye-catching. This will help me in the future with my digipak as I now know what kind of pictures my target audience is expecting and what one grab there attention more than others.

Feedback on digipak

For this task I used prezi to created it. This task helped me a lot as I got feedback about what worked well with my digipak and what didn't work so well and how I could improve it. It gave me a second set of eyes on my work to make sure I have missed out anything and any improvements and corrections that need to be done. In the future, I will keep on asking for feedback to see how I can improve until it is completely done. I got feedback from not only my peers but my teachers to help me know how to improve and what I am missing. The first sketch layouts are in a different post on my blog which I wrote about why I layed it out like I did. My target audience suggested more bold fonts as it was hard to see my writing so I changed the colour, font, and size to make sure it was able to be read. They also said how my CD didn't match my digipak when I first started it this is why I had to change it in order to make sure it all looked like one digipak with a theme.

Different ideas for my CD cover

CD IDEAS. by anna chapman For this task I used canva. This is a outline of my progression with the CD page on the digipak. I showed how I changed the background and the CD and the reasons I changed each one. This isn't my final one as it's still in the making and I have a while to go. This will help me as my teachers could give me feedback about what they liked and why and what I should change and what to keep.

Digipak Page

brunch by anna chapman For this task I looked into a lot of detail about what I could include on one of the pages on my digipak. I realised that pop artists included things like, thank you's and dedications whereas rap artist just did a simple picture or wrote who produced and wrote each song. I decided to go with the 2nd option and write who wrote and produced each song as its extra information for the audience. I decided to go with this option purely because it first, attracted the target audience and that is one of the main things that I need to make sure to see if it appeals to my target audience and second I really liked it and thought it was very effective and could grab your attention easily and this would be a great help to when it needs to be sold.

Colour scheme

For this task I used Canva. I looked at other digipaks with the same theme as me and realised that they all had one bold set colour scheme. It was easy to spot and to tell what colour they were using. In the end, I decided I was going with the red colour. I thought this would fit into my genre, look bold and effective and also attract my target audience as it wasn't a set colour for boys or for girls for example pink or blue.

Back cover of digipak

For this task I used the web tool prezi. I researched into what the common conventions of a back cover of a digipak included, for example, a barcode, track-list and who produced the album. I wanted my digipak back cover to be simple as the other rap artists back covers were simple and didn't have much on them which made them look very cool and it was effective. This helped me when designing my own back cover as I included all the conventions and I tried to make it as effective as I could.

Album advert research

For this task I researched into what album adverts looked like, what common conventions they showed and what the most popular ones looked like. I found out they normally they have one bold colour to stand out. This made me think that I would need to change my original idea and include a colour scheme to make it the most effective album advert it could be and follow all the other rap artists adverts.

Plan of album advert

don't wish for for it. by anna chapman This is my poster which includes the picture of my plan and why I have drawn it like that. I used canva as web tool for this one. This would help me as I know what I need to include and the common things found on an advert. This saves time as all I need to do is create and design it, as I know where I would want each thing and the fonts I am using.

Drawn out first plan of digipak and the fonts I have chosen

For this task I drew what I would like my digipak to look like. I drew what kind of pictures I would like to include and I researched into what Digipaks included so I knew what I would need to include for example the track list and lyrics. This gave me a starting spot to when it came down for me to start looking at the kind of designs I would like for my digipak. This would help me the future as I know exactly how I would want it to look and be layed out, so I can go along with the layout and not spend time on deciding where each thing would go.

CD covers and digipaks that I like

From this task I learnt the digipaks that I liked and what I didnt like. This gave me the chance to decide what I will include and what I wouldnt. It also made me decide what theme I would go with and how I could present it. This would help me in the future with this task as I would follow the digipak style that I liked when creating my own and follow the conventions.