
Evaluation Task 4

In this task I evaluating my ability on how I had applied all different media technologies to my album advert, digipak, and my music video. I looked into the variety of different tools I used, for example, Google, YouTube, Web2.0 tools and how effective they were towards my end products and how well I used them. I also looked into the tools I used during the production stage for example camera equipment, and within that, for example, tripod etc and how I used each one and why. After completing this I feel I have great knowledge on how to use different media technologies and that I have used a range of different ones and they have all helped me throughout the process of my products.

Evaluation Task 3

For this Task I looked into m audience feedback and what I had learned, I talked about all the advice I got given from my target audience about what they liked, disliked and would to improve. By my target audience telling me what they thought I should change, it helped me to make my products better so that they appeal the best way they can to my target audience. By evaluating my feedback it helped me to realise that next time I do something like this that I think I need a little more feedback to help me and that I can work with.

Evaluation Task 2

Beechtown Gymnasium8 AM to 4 PM by anna chapman For this task, I evaluated how effective is the combination of my main product and ancillary tasks. I looked at if there was a colour scheme, in which there was across my products, the fonts and texts I used, locations, costumes and artist I used. I linked them all together to see what how they all linked and how I chose to do so and how effective it was. Overall I found it was very effective as they all had the same artist, locations, and colour scheme throughout, it all seemed like one product and all appealed to my target audience. Next time I do something like this I know to make sure I keep to what I have done and to keep it simple, use the same locations and artist to make sure that it's not confusing for my target audience.

Evaluation Task 1

Loading... For this task, I evaluated how my products, followed and challenged conventions and how I did so and why. I talked about what inspired me and how it did, and what led to doing chose the design I did in the final product and what made me think of it. I also mentioned Goodwin's theory on the conventions and if I followed them or not and how I did so. I analysed my products in an in-depth way explaining to you how and why I did each section and my thoughts on each creative illustration I did. Overall this task let me explain to you why I did what I did and what inspirations made me do each shot for my music video and what digipaks and album adverts grabbed my attention to use a similar design for my own products.

Final music video.

Please watch on youtube for better quality. This is my final product for my music video. This was done on Final cut. This took a lot of time as we had to film, and re film, edit and gather feedback. We had to keep on changing things to make it the best it could be. I worked very well with my group as we all said our opinions and gave ideas to make it the best it could be. We all put a lot of input in this music video as we had a variety of ideas and edits. From this task, I learned how to use final cut properly and all different tools I could use and many different ways to make it stand out more. For the future I will be able to use Final cut very well without help and get all kinds of different ways on how I can make it look the best.

Final digipak.

This is my final product of my digipak. I used photoshop for this task. I did a lot of research for this from choosing my fonts to choosing pictures that would all go together to changing my CD part of it many times as colours didn't match. I enjoyed this a lot as I got to express what I thought a good digipak would look like and how effective it could be. I got a lot of feedback from this from my teachers and my target audience and then changed my digipak because of the feedback. For the future, I would know exactly how to layout digipaks and how to use certain tools.

Final album advert.

This is my final product of my album advert. I enjoyed this task a lot as I got to use photoshop and use my skills to make an album advert. This task took me time as I had to take pictures, edit them and then add all social media logos and ratings. From this task I learned all new skills in photoshop, for example, cropping background pictures out. For the future of using photoshop I will have an excellent understanding on how to use it and all different tools I can use.