Re-do of my Storyboard

We decided that we were not happy with our video and a lot had to be changed. Because we changed a lot of the shots and timings of the video our storyboard didn't match the video. This meant we had to redo the storyboard so it fitted the video completely. We changed the edits of thing footage we wanted to change and we changed a lot of the timing as we felt that some shots were too similar and going on for way too long. Below is our new storyboard.


  1. Anna, can you please make some alterations of this blog post? Firstly the title of it at the very least needs to be written correctly (capitals at the start of words...etc). Also, the images that you have added on here, we cannot see much if any of the detail that is important on a storyboard. Please can you retake the images much closer up. Finally, once again, think about the presentation of your blog. This is not a dumping ground for bits and pieces of work; this constitutes as your coursework that will be marked by an examiner. Presentation is everything.

    All the best

    Mr Cooper


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