Andrew Goodwins theory

For this task I researched into Goodwins theorys, looked at 4 different music videos. 2 were performance based, one was narrative and the other was conceptual. I then went into depth about each music video linking it back to Goodins theory and analysing different parts. I back it all up with visual evidence. I created this task using press as the web tool. From this task I gained knowledge on Goodwins theory and how to analyse videos using all his strategies. This will help me in the future by giving me insight to the 3 main elements that make up a music video and how each one is shown.


  1. Ok, you have included all of the detailed information regarding Goodwin's theory, however you have not included sufficient visual evidence to back up points made. Also, this post has not introduction and explanation, can this be added ASAP please.

    All the best

    Mr Cooper


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